Week two is complete! I still cannot believe I haven’t skipped a day yet. It’s starting to get to the point where I am having to be careful not to be repetitive in my photos. I’m thinking of instituting a theme for each day like “Monday Macro” or “Saturday Selfie”, but I’m not sure I want to put that kind of pressure on myself haha. We will see. Here is week 2:

7 | 365

I am overly excited that I can braid Finley’s hair now. It looks pretty messy because she doesn’t sit very still for me to do it, but I just love getting to fix her hair every morning.



8 | 365

We always go grocery shopping on Tuesday mornings. It may be very mundane, but I love these little outings with my girl. I love the feeling of getting food to prepare meals to nourish my family. These little moments are special to me.



9 | 365

This is my very first selfie…ah! I’m not the most comfortable in front of the camera, so this was a bit out of my comfort zone. (I’m not sure why it’s showing up grainy on here…it’s not on my computer)



10 | 365

What a special day! This happened to be my birthday and the hubby surprised me with a trip to Ft. Lauderdale to see none other than John and Sherry Petersik from YoungHouseLove. I have been huge fans of theirs for years and it was such a surreal and fun experience. I snapped this as we were leaving the book signing.



11 | 365

We hung around the house today because sweet girl wasn’t feeling well. This is one of the first times she has been legitimately sick. Good thing it only lasted two days!



12 | 365

I had a session with this sweetie this evening. She was all smiles!



13 | 365

My girl taking her weekly Sunday nap in her car seat. I’m sure she’d rather be in her crib, but she doesn’t seem to mind too much 🙂



Thanks for looking!



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I have successfully completed my first week of my project 365 and I have to say that I really look forward to taking my daily photo. Before I started I was really worried that I would see it as a chore, and maybe it will eventually come to that, but I am really loving it so far. I love having our daily lives documented in such a way. Here is a recap of our week:


1 | 365

We spent our New Year’s Day being lazy around the house. This was taken while my girl was watching veggietales. I just love the lighting on her face.



2 | 365

We went to work with Daddy today. He was a bit distracted by our presence. 🙂



3 | 365

We ate lunch with Mama Donne at the Garden Gate Tea Room. It is one of our all time favorite places. I love sharing it with my girl.



4 | 365

I got my baby fix in today during a newborn shoot.



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I stole these macro shots while baby girl was napping in the Publix parking lot.



6 | 365

Our youth group is like our second family. We hung out with some of them today after church.



1 week down and 51 left to go!

Thanks for looking.


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I love this family! I was so excited when they asked me to take some family photos for them. I LOVE how they turned out. Enjoy!





Thanks for looking!!


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I finally took the tripod out to try and get some new family photos of us. This was much easier to do before toddler age! I think we got maybe 10 keepers out of an hour of shooting and my daughter isn’t smiling (or even looking) in most of them, but I love them! I already have a big wall display planned for them for over our couch. I will try and remember to post a photo when it’s up! I wanted to share these with you as well as include answers to some of the most frequently asked questions that I recieve. Soooo….here we go!


1. What is in your camera bag?

I’m a canon girl and I shoot with a 5D Mark iii. It is an AMAZING camera and I can’t say enough wonderful things about it. As for my lenses I have a 35mm 2.0 , a 50mm 1.4, and a 85mm 1.8.  I guess I’m a prime girl! I really have no desire for a zoom, but maybe one day. Prime lenses are perfect for my style of shooting.


2. How did you get started in photography?

I probably have gotten started like a lot of other mommy photographers out there, learning to photograph my daughter. I have had a DSLR for about 5 years, but I never really learned how to use it until a year ago. I really wanted to be able to take great photos of my daughter so I started learning everything I could about photography….and I was hooked. I spent every free moment researching exposure, lighting, composition, and processing. I even used to dream about photography haha. I eventually started taking classes to hone and perfect my skills which helped tremendously.


3. How do you light your photos?

I use only natural light in my photos. Natural light works for me and my style of shooting. I love the look of indoor dramatic split light as well as beautiful backlight outdoors. If you look at my work you will notice I love to use the sun in various aspects in my photos.


4. What actions/presets do you use on your photos?

The only actions and presets I use on my photos are ones I have created myself. When I first started photography I spent money on user made presets which were a big waste of money for me. I have such a precise vision for my photos that I prefer to perfect the look I am going for on my own.


5. What inspires your photography?

There are two major things that inspire my photography. The first is light! Seeing beautiful light makes me want to get my camera out and snap away. Gorgeous golden evening light as well as some pretty window light put me into photo mode right away. The second is my daughter. Seeing life through her eyes everyday inspires me to no end. I love getting down on her level and snapping away at little moments with her. Now give me some gorgeous light AND my daughter and I’ll be in heaven!


6. Describe your style.I believe my style is ever evolving, but I would describe my style as warm and organic. I prefer very warm images and outdoor locations such as fields or woods. I also love dramatic, moody black and white images. You won’t find me using many props as I prefer very simple and non cluttered images. I love interesting angles and using negative space. You will see examples of all of this if you take a look at my portfolio.


7. Color of BW?

I would definitely say it depends on the image, but for the most part I am drawn to black and white. I love isolation of the subject and the timelessness that black and white gives. It takes all distraction of clothing and color and focuses more on the emotion of the image.



Thanks for looking! And if you have any questions I did not answer here please feel free to ask!


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