I have quite a few newborn sessions coming up this month and next month, so I thought it would be a good time to write a post on how to prepare for your newborn session and what you should expect!


I prefer to shoot newborns in the nude and sleeping. Usually newborns are so tiny that even newborn sized clothes look bulky on them and do not photograph well. Also newborns tend to be a bit cross eyed when born and photographing them with their eyes open tends to look a bit funny. I prefer to photograph baby with simple props like dainty headbands/hats and wraps so the baby is not overwhelmed and their pure sweetness can shine through! 7-10 days old is the best time for the photos. Baby is still bendy and sleepy so we can pose them easily, but they have not started getting the baby acne that can come the next few weeks. After 10 days of age I can not guarantee we will be able to get bendy posed shots, after 10 days I normally focus on lifestyle type photos with mom and dad.


Getting baby into a deep sleep is the key to a successful newborn session. How do you accomplish this you ask? HEAT + MILK + NOISE = SLEEPING BABY! It is essential for the area we are shooting in to be 80-85 degrees. We will sweat! Alot! Newborns have trouble regulating their body temperature and will not stay asleep if it is not nice and cozy (especially since they are nude most of the time). I also bring a heating pad and space heater with me to heat up the blankets the baby will be laying on also. I tell most of my moms that the schedule they have started will most likely go out the window on the day of photos. Moms should try and keep baby up and stimulated 1-2 hours before our scheduled session and then begin to feed baby when I arrive and am setting up. Baby will normally fall asleep after the feeding and the full belly will hopefully keep baby asleep for the session. We will stop and feed baby whenever they might need it! Flexibility is key. I also bring a whitenoise machine with me to play during the session. It is a noisy place in the womb and babies sleep better with a bit of noise around them.

black and white newborn posevPINIMAGEV

My newborn sessions normally flow like this: Posed newborn shots, lifestyle shots, posed family shots. I love to shoot in the baby’s nursery and also the master bedroom, so it’s a good idea to make sure these areas are free of clutter (I know that’s not easy with a newborn!). I shoot with only natural light so we will need to shoot in the room with the most windows and light. These sessions can take anywhere from 2-4 hours depending on how baby cooperates.


I hope this has answered some questions you might have had about newborn sessions and how to make your a success! Please let me know if I can answer any other questions for you and please visit my website to take a peek at some of my other newborn work. I LOVE photographing newborns and I would love to photograph yours too!

Thanks for looking!



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I have been trying to plan a shoot with the Wright family since before they had their sweet little Josiah, but living so far apart made it very difficult. I’m SO happy we worked out a time to get these sweet photos. Anytime I get to see old friends and cuddle a sweet baby is a great day in my book! I really enjoyed our time together and I hope we can get together again sometime soon!ย vPINIMAGEVvPINIMAGEVvPINIMAGEV

Thanks for looking!!

– Bethney

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I had such a great time with the Thompson family! We spent an afternoon taking their family photos at a park in downtown Orlando. If can you can’t tell, they have a future model on their hands! Elijah rocked his pictures! Little Sascha did a great job too, although she gave us a hard time trying to get one of her sweet smiles out. I hope you love your photos for years to come Jasimine! Thanks for letting me capture your family!vPINIMAGEVvPINIMAGEV


Thanks for looking!


  • December 4, 2012 - 5:52 pm

    Kristen - What a lovely set and a beautiful family. Great work!ReplyCancel

  • December 4, 2012 - 8:55 pm

    Amber - These are all perfect! Love your work! โ™ฅReplyCancel

  • December 4, 2012 - 9:29 pm

    Marissa - What a gorgeous family! Lovely images. ๐Ÿ™‚ReplyCancel

  • December 5, 2012 - 4:10 am

    robin - Beautiful family and gorgeous lighting!ReplyCancel

  • December 5, 2012 - 4:01 pm

    Kim Kravitz - Wow! What a beautiful family!! Gorgeous set of images!ReplyCancel

  • December 6, 2012 - 1:19 am

    Wendy - I love these!!! Sweet family, love your bokeh!ReplyCancel

  • December 6, 2012 - 2:47 am

    Jessica - What a beautiful mom!! It looks like they had a great time!ReplyCancel

  • December 8, 2012 - 6:07 am

    Dannielle Suzanne - Gorgeous! I love the light in these!!ReplyCancel

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I love it so much when the sun behaves exactly like I want it to. When we started our session the light was so beautiful and perfectly situated. This made for some of my favorite type of sunny/hazy images! Sometimes it can be difficult to get 2 year olds to pose, so we had a fun time capturing Jackson as he did his thing (which included lots of running and playing in the dirt :)). But in the end we ended up with lots of beautiful images. I hope you enjoy your photos for years to come! Thanks for letting me capture your family Lindsey and Jordan!



Thanks for looking!


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These sweet little boys are very dear to my heart. Their mamma is one of my oldest and dearest friends and I was so elated when she asked me if we could do some photos of her boys. They did awesome during their photo shoot and we had such a blast together! Thanks for letting me cuddle your boys Kristen! They did great ๐Ÿ™‚


Thanks for looking!



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