I just love this sweet family. This is my 4th time being able to photograph them (here are some from their other family session and Porter’s first birthday). Our last session we chose a pretty sunny field so we decided to switch things up and go to a lush, woodsy park near downtown Orlando. We had a great time and ended up with lots of gorgeous images. Thank you Uhrig family!!!

The Uhrig Family Orlando Family PhotographervPINIMAGEVThe Uhrig Family Orlando Family PhotographervPINIMAGEVThe Uhrig Family Orlando Family PhotographervPINIMAGEVThe Uhrig Family Orlando Family PhotographervPINIMAGEV

Click here to book your session today!


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Rowan is one of the most handsome little guys that I have had the privilege of photographing. Blonde hair, blue eyes, and that cool style he has going on? He is definitely going to give his mama some trouble in the future :). We chose to take Rowan’s photos in a beautiful sun soaked field and his sweet Mama even jumped in a few at the end. Thanks for letting me capture your sweet boy Leslie!

Rowan Orlando Family PhotographervPINIMAGEVRowan Orlando Family PhotographervPINIMAGEVRowan Orlando Family PhotographervPINIMAGEVRowan Orlando Family PhotographervPINIMAGEV

Email me here to book your session today!


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Merrick is becoming quite the little model. Just take a look at his 3 month, 6 month, and 9 month sessions! It has been such an honor photographing him throughout his first year and I’m so happy we celebrated his first birthday by taking some family photos at Disney. The weather was perfect and the boardwalk was just as beautiful as always. Thank you Bennett family for allowing me to capture your sweet family!

The Bennett Family Orlando Family PhotographervPINIMAGEVThe Bennett Family Orlando Family PhotographervPINIMAGEVThe Bennett Family Orlando Family PhotographervPINIMAGEVThe Bennett Family Orlando Family PhotographervPINIMAGEVThe Bennett Family Orlando Family PhotographervPINIMAGEVThe Bennett Family Orlando Family PhotographervPINIMAGEVThe Bennett Family Orlando Family PhotographervPINIMAGEV

If you are ready to book your own session send me an email here!


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